The Everyday Mystic
A large part of the last several months has been devoted to my study of A Course in Miracles. And what I've discovered in that time is that the mystical is constant in our lives.
Appearing over and over again - if we have eyes to see.
When many people hear the word mystical, they get this image of a monk or hermit, sitting on a remote mountain in some far-off country, miles from civilization, spending hours in meditation and contemplation.
Isolated from society and removed from humanity.
I want to change this image - forever!
A mystic is simply someone who sees the divine in everyday life.
In that light, what was Jesus but a mystic? What was Buddha? what was Mohammed? Or any of the great prophets?
I want to show that the mystical can and should be part of everyday life.
Of THIS Life.
This messy, unpredictable, wonderful life - with its financial struggles, dissatisfactions with our jobs, delicious food that sticks to our waistline, babies that won't sleep, traffic jams, frustrating relationships, and all the rest - is crying out for the mystical.
Through it, we heal.
Through it, we are released from fear.
Through it, we are saved.
By subscribing, you will get (usually) 2 does of inspiration weekly, served through mystical poetry and stories of person growth!